Choose solar for your business

Commercial Solar Engineered Solutions

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Welcome to AWPower's Commercial Solar Engineered Solutions!

Amidst the continuous loadshedding plaguing businesses, reduce reliance on petrol for backup generators and counter escalating electricity prices with our efficient commercial solar power systems.

Ready to start?

The Benefits

Why choose solar for your business

Streamlined Implementation

Effortlessly transition to solar power with simplified regulatory processes, ensuring swift project initiation, even during challenging loadshedding periods.

Abundant, Free Sunshine

Harness South Africa's plentiful sunlight to drive your business forward, minimizing your dependence on conventional energy sources and mitigating the impact of loadshedding.

Continuous Technological Advancements

Take advantage of evolving solar technology and decreasing costs, thanks to the latest incentives introduced by South Africa's power plan.

Environmentally Responsible

Showcase your commitment to sustainability by reducing your carbon footprint with our environmentally friendly solar PV installations.

Long-Term Investment

Secure your business's energy future with our durable, top-quality solar panels and batteries, delivering reliable energy production for up to three decades.

Versatile and Scalable Options

Choose from grid-tied, hybrid, or off-grid systems, allowing you to customise your solar solution based on your specific energy requirements.

Tax Benefits and Incentives

Enjoy significant tax benefits and incentives from embracing solar energy, including depreciation deductions and reduced carbon tax burdens.

Case Studies

AWPower Recent Commercial Projects

Click individual items items for more info

Kenridge Shoppping Centre

Location: Kenridge, Cape Town

Independent Claims

Location: Tokai, Cape Town

Small Business

Location: Somerset West, Cape Town

SPCA Cape of Good Hope

Location: Grassy Park, Cape Town

Clifton Apartment Building

Location: Clifton, Cape Town

Drakenstein Property

Location: Drakenstein, Paarl

Let's work together

Here's what you can expect

Long-Term Savings with Reliable Solar Solutions

Reliable and Long-Lasting

Invest in commercial solar systems designed to endure for 25 years, coupled with a 10-year lithium battery guarantee, ensuring sustained performance and peace of mind.

Enhance Your Savings

Benefit from SARS tax incentives, including 125% accelerated depreciation in the first year, allowing you to maximise your cost savings and investment returns.

Rapid Return on Investment

Experience a rapid return on your investment within 3-5 years, supported by our supplementary process that ensures an efficient and streamlined transition to solar energy.

Transform your business into an eco-friendly powerhouse

Reach out to our team today and discover the possibilities!

Frequently Asked Questions

Under the expanded incentive, businesses will be able to claim a 125% deduction in the first year for all renewable energy projects with no thresholds on generation capacity. The adjusted incentive will only be available for investments brought into use for the first time between 1 March 2023 and 28 February 2025.

The deduction will reduce its tax liability to SARS, as long as the business has a positive taxable income. 

Example: a renewable energy investment of R1 million would qualify for a deduction of R1.25 million. Using the tax rate, this deduction could reduce the corporate income tax liability of a company by R337 500 in the first year.

To read more about the incentives from the Daily Investor, click here.

To learn more about the incentive from SARS, click here.

Systems generating excess solar are able to sell electricity back into the City’s electricity grid and be credited at the SSEG Feed-in tariff rate. SSEG Customers are now able to be net generators (previously only net consumers, i.e. buy more electricity from the network than they fed in). 

Contact AWPower to learn more. 

To learn more about selling excess commercial solar power back to the grid read this article from the City of Cape Town’s website.

Commercial solar systems generate electricity from our planet’s key renewable energy source, the sun. 

Businesses can significantly lower their carbon emissions through the power of solar, which contributes to overall corporate sustainability goals and helps combat climate change.

When clients see a business adopting solar power, it demonstrates the business’s commitment to environmental stewardship and enhances a company’s reputation as a socially responsible organisation.